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Tag Archive from: relationship

The America That I Know

The America That I Know

By David Harder on the September, 18, 2019

My first book tour turned me into a born-again Angelean. But, when people ask me why I so love our City of Fallen Angels, it isn’t the beaches, shopping, food, or diversity. I love Los Angeles because of the brilliant talent we attract from every corner of the globe.   […]

The Utter Failure of Politicians and the Future of Work

The Utter Failure of Politicians and the Future of Work

By David Harder on the September, 13, 2019

Before anyone runs to the outrage buttons, this is not a partisan post!   Last night, we watched the debates for 3 hours. In my home, we limit the viewing of news to a 1/2 hour-a-day because when we hit 35 minutes, that’s the moment when the facial ticks begin. […]

The Day That Changed My Life Forever

The Day That Changed My Life Forever

By David Harder on the September, 9, 2019

29 years ago, I walked into a ballroom at the Loew’s Beach Hotel. Through sheer chutzpah and a bit of hubris, we had recruited 36 people to participate in the first Inspired Work Program. I wrote the program intending to help anyone transform his or her relationship towards work. Why […]

One Airline Pilot + One New Mindset = A Digital Business Owner

One Airline Pilot + One New Mindset = A Digital Business Owner

By David Harder on the September, 5, 2019

We have practiced a little ritual every September since 1990.   We look back on what has happened since Inspired Work was launched on a beach in Malibu. When I found my life’s work in 1990, everything changed. My life fell into place. Like the many people who’ve participated in […]

Tranced Out - The great American comfort crisis

Tranced Out – The great American comfort crisis

By David Harder on the August, 11, 2019

If ever there was a “Psychic Batman” in my life, it would be Bob Maurer, the head of behavioral science for UCLA’s Medical School. Once, we were talking about dating. He said, “The single most important thing you need to know about someone before you marry them is how they […]

Making a Difference - What happened to the human potential movement?

Making a Difference – What happened to the human potential movement?

By David Harder on the August, 6, 2019

America has become a country where anyone can believe anything they want and much of this outrageous signature began in California, the birthplace and world capital of the human potential movement.   I was a teenager when I first became involved in it. I didn’t jump into the seminars to […]

How Does Curiosity Make Us Smarter?

How Does Curiosity Make Us Smarter?

By David Harder on the July, 29, 2019

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.” –  Albert Einstein   Active Learners are rapidly taking charge of the workplace. In fact, the more savvy employers will only hire individuals who take pleasure in learning, who look at the world with curiosity and […]

How to Get the Greatest Recommendations!

How to Get the Greatest Recommendations!

By David Harder on the July, 27, 2019

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey   In today’s workplace, accelerating change is increasing the need to draw healthy attention to our selves. Many of us have had inadequate training in how to do this. The game is […]

How Will Parents End Rebellion, Distrust, and Mediocrity in Their Children?

How Will Parents End Rebellion, Distrust, and Mediocrity in Their Children?

By David Harder on the July, 22, 2019

When I was a kid, my adoptive father was an evangelical physician and he expected I would also become a medical doctor. I was a concert pianist at the time I was 8. At around the same time, I was in a biology class that required dissecting a bug. I […]

How One Standard Gave Me a New Life

How One Standard Gave Me a New Life

By David Harder on the July, 21, 2019

In the Inspired Work Program, we provide an exercise called, “Irrevocable Happiness.” In it, we ask our participants to describe, in detail, what their lives would look like if they were in a constant state of happiness. In other words, what would your life look like if you were sentenced […]
