Tag Archive from: relationship
This Book is Cooked!
13% global work engagement isn’t a business problem, it is a tragedy that impacts our families, our customers and virtually every aspect of our lives. The vast majority of employee engagement initiatives produce mediocre results or fail altogether. In 2008, we began working with University of Southern California […]
Growing Old Disgracefully
A few days ago, someone a few years younger than I blamed ageism for his unemployment. I responded quite strongly, “Well, of course, you’re not getting a job because you are carrying around that energy.” Resignation is giving up and it is usually driven by the notion we are not […]
Why Some Chief Human Resource Officers Will Make Great CEOs
Virtually every business publication and relevant academic research paper indicate that attracting, developing and motivating talent is the single most important element in successful business today. One of the most common failures with CEOs not reaching the objectives of their business plan is in their refusal to take charge of […]
Courage Set Him Free
He is in his mid-forties, a passionate father of three beautiful girls and the sole breadwinner of a family he is utterly devoted to. When we met, Jackson Lynch was the chief human resource officer for a Fortune 1000 paper company in Washington. He had masterfully orchestrated and managed talent during […]
An Inspired New Year
This Year, Give the Gift of Clarity – Meaning – Purpose – Joy THE INSPIRED WORK PROGRAM Saturday & Sunday, January 7 & 8 (Los Angeles) Clarity – Meaning – Purpose – Joy Work is probably the biggest relationship that you have – right? If you are like many of […]
My Single Most Important Lesson About Success
A segment from this summer’s upcoming book, The Workplace Engagement Solution (Career Press) by David Harder: Many people don’t pursue what they really want because, at the core, they believe they will never get the help that brings their vision to life. Once we define a mission, vision […]
Will You Ever Overcome Fear?
In a culture fixated on security we have reinforced the myth that there is something fundamentally inadequate about us when we feel fear. If that is the case, we construct our lives around avoiding fear and as a result, the real and best opportunities don’t even reach our field of […]
Perhaps it is time to make change work for you:
In 1970, the great futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that technology would accelerate the rate of change to such dizzying levels that by the turn of the century most people would be in a perpetual state of shock trying to absorb too much change in too short a period of time. […]
Why We Need to Go Back to School!
According to Cathy Sandeen, the Chancellor from University of Wisconsin, today’s average college graduate will change careers (not jobs) four to six times. There are other futurists who predict even more frequent transformation. The new era of work is turning generations of rote cultural behaviors upside down. For […]
The One Mistruth That Keeps Us From Success
The Art of Change – A Series Episode One – The One Mistruth That Keeps Us From Success “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha Over the last 26 years, I have watched thousands of people change their lives – […]