Tag Archive from: growth
What is this Century’s Single Most Important Change in Work?
“Want to become a billionaire? Then help a billion people. The world’s biggest problems are the world’s biggest business opportunities.” Peter Diamandis – Co-Founder, X-Prize The American spirit was founded on optimism and that, my friends, is vastly different than hope. Hope requires no action at all. The famed […]
The America That I Know
My first book tour turned me into a born-again Angelean. But, when people ask me why I so love our City of Fallen Angels, it isn’t the beaches, shopping, food, or diversity. I love Los Angeles because of the brilliant talent we attract from every corner of the globe. […]
Spiritual, human development, and “self-help” leaders have often told us that what we believe determines the shape and course of our lives. I find that most people want to realize their potential, lead fulfilling lives, and find the purpose that elevates their work into a truly meaningful experience. Instead, many […]
The Day That Changed My Life Forever
29 years ago, I walked into a ballroom at the Loew’s Beach Hotel. Through sheer chutzpah and a bit of hubris, we had recruited 36 people to participate in the first Inspired Work Program. I wrote the program intending to help anyone transform his or her relationship towards work. Why […]
How One Woman Became a Unique Brand
Trina Damico is one of those bright white lights that bring a smile to anyone who knows her. We connected 5-6 years ago via social media. At the time, Trina was an organization development leader with a large employer in Portland. It became clear that she was quite passionate about […]
One Airline Pilot + One New Mindset = A Digital Business Owner
We have practiced a little ritual every September since 1990. We look back on what has happened since Inspired Work was launched on a beach in Malibu. When I found my life’s work in 1990, everything changed. My life fell into place. Like the many people who’ve participated in […]
What Are “Courage Skills?”
Milo is an 11-pound dachshund and Bonedigger is a 500-pound lion. Milo and his lifelong friend Angel have forged a friendship with the Lion that is joyous and happy, and unexpected. The payoff of our practicing courage can also be having lives that are joyous, happy, and unexpected. There are […]
Tranced Out – The great American comfort crisis
If ever there was a “Psychic Batman” in my life, it would be Bob Maurer, the head of behavioral science for UCLA’s Medical School. Once, we were talking about dating. He said, “The single most important thing you need to know about someone before you marry them is how they […]
Making a Difference – What happened to the human potential movement?
America has become a country where anyone can believe anything they want and much of this outrageous signature began in California, the birthplace and world capital of the human potential movement. I was a teenager when I first became involved in it. I didn’t jump into the seminars to […]
Why is It Time to Turn Human Resources Into Profit Centers?
“HR is not a match for sexual harassment. It pits male sexual aggression against a system of paperwork and broken promises, and women don’t trust it. For 30 years we have invested responsibility in HR, and it hasn’t worked out. We have to find a better way.” Caitlin Flanagan – […]