Tag Archive from: growth
Burn All the Boats – One Working Parent’s Journey to Freedom
Recently, I have been sharing stories about sole breadwinners. They are masters of responsibility for many of America’s families. But, they often set aside their own career development in the fear that one wrong move will spell failure in meeting the needs of their children’s day-to-day well-being as well as […]
The One Question I Will Never Ask Again
The wind has blasted away all sleep. Trees are bending towards the sea and the coyotes have disappeared, possibly hiding or simply taking advantage of the noise that awakens me. This particular wind has gathered energy forcing itself on Sunset Boulevard gathering speed as it races, growing in rage towards […]
A Unique Way to Get Your Most Out of Every Day
Many agree that our most precious resource is time. How much time gets used up in the frenzy of today’s workplace? In Inspired Work’s leadership and engagement programs, we give our participants a customized series of questions to answer at the beginning of every day. It takes less than […]
HER – How ten minutes transformed one family’s life
I’m waiting to board the plane back to LA and working on our new book that will help families prepare their children for the future of work. In a world where the average college graduate will change careers four to six times, everything in how we engage with our children […]
Are We Preparing Our Children for the Future?
I was giving a keynote speech entitled, “The Art of Change.” Throughout the days of our programs, our participants produce transformational professional change. They break free of the survival and predictability standard that has entrapped so much of our culture. They define and do the work that matters to them […]
Why You Are the Average of the Five People You Spend the Most Time With
Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you. -Misty Copeland Inside each and every one of us, there is the DNA of highest good, of optimum living and our greatest giving, How do […]
The Skill Crisis That Undermines Adults and Our Children
In our culture, we have a growing challenge and dare I imply “crisis” around a variety of life skill deficits that impact many adults and will undermine the careers of our growing children. For many years, I have observed many of our participants wake up and attain the work […]
Kill Off Change? Why Bother?
4th in a series – “How We Routinely Kill Off Change.” We use five filters to kill off change. Thus far, I’ve shared three: Cynicism Contempt Aimlessness My point is that change, especially self-change usually inspires various types of filters to become active and block the way […]
The Shocking Reason Many Stand at the Sidelines
3rd in a series in How We Kill Off Change & Engagement: Welcome to Aimlessness. In today’s world, there is an epic to-the-death fight taking place between many of our people and change. Thus far, change is winning every round. One of the reasons average organizations have such dismal […]
How To Kill Change On-The-Spot
Yesterday, we published an introduction regarding how we use four “filters” to kill off change. All of these filters are driven by fear of change. The first one is cynicism. I’m sure we can find that in our culture. It is the filter we use to slowly talk us out […]