Tag Archive from: growth
Why We Declared War on Disengagement
Gallup’s latest global engagement survey indicates that only 13% of the world’s workers are engaged. The problem of disengagement is so vast that it is far more than a vexing business problem, it is a tragedy that inhabits our homes, schools, roads, families, and daily routines. Disengagement doesn’t imply […]
Why Chief Human Resource Officers Can Become CEOs
Virtually every business publication and relevant academic research paper indicate that attracting, developing and motivating talent is the single most important element in successful business today. One of the most common failures with CEOs not reaching the objectives of their business plan is in their refusal to take charge of […]
The Middle-Class Is Not What We Are Losing!
What we have is the disappearance of task workers. This basic seismic shift is so frightening that many are doing what humans do. We point towards the symptoms rather than the truth. But, for those of us who do tasks for a living, we either need to reinvent ourselves or […]
Why Employee Engagement Must Have a Democratic Solution
As many of my readers know, I have declared war on disengagement. My new book The Workplace Engagement Solution hit the market last month and has generated many new conversations about the world’s biggest productivity problem. According to Gallup, the trance of disengagement impacts 87% of the world’s workers. Disengagement also hurts families […]
Unlearning – Today’s Shockingly Important Skillset
In a world where change grows every day, it is vitally important that we become athletic active learners. It is equally important that we become “unlearners.” America’s great, late futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that by the turn of the century, most of us would be in a state of “future […]
Why the CEO Must be the First to Engage
If 87% of the world’s talent is disengaged, the probability of CEOs also being actively disengaged is pretty high. With a purely democratic solution, the global disengagement problem can only be solved if everyone from the entry-level worker to the CEO/owner is dealing directly with his or her own engagement. […]
Conquering Change – How to lead rather than follow a rapidly accelerating world
We live in tumultuous times. The industrial revolution is being replaced so quickly that few people have adequately defined “what’s next.” But the prelude to change is already in front of us. Simply play out the impact of 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Virtual Reality, and Information Filtering and we […]
Guns Are Big $$$ – What Can We Do?
After they met, Sonny Melton became an RN and worked alongside his wife Heather, an orthopedic surgeon. They devoted their professional lives towards improving the lives of others. Last Sunday, they were running from the ambush in Las Vegas. They were gripping each other’s hands when the bullet hit Sonny […]
Why Social Entrepreneurs Own the Future
Not long ago, I spoke to a group of CEOs in Calgary. The city was something of a ghost town. Most of the business executives were in petroleum and natural gas. After the presentation, I pointed out that hanging on for dear life with the petroleum industry was lowering the […]
What Brand Are U?
Business journalism spends lots of time presenting the power of brands. Let’s just bring up a few names as examples: Google, HBO, Disney, and Lloyds of London. What imagery and stories do these hallowed brands bring up? For many, Google is the number one brand representing progress. HBO is the […]