Tag Archive from: growth
Why We Must Be Reminded Of The Values That Live Above Our Political Divide
The modern culture of outrage has created a landscape where contempt shoots down progress before even putting a seed in the ground. As many of my readers know, I am posting quotes, stories and speeches from John F Kennedy as a reminder of just how much words from our […]
Just Where is the Culture of Outrage Taking Us?
There are certain mornings where I ought to avoid Facebook. I have a lot of work to do today and since most of it is about positive change in my client’s lives or our business, it is important to approach the work with optimism. And yet, the first six […]
LinkedIn’s Most Ironic Blog of 2018 – “Recruiters despair in a tight labor market”
It is LinkedIn’s most ironic mass blog of the year: “Recruiters despair in a tight labor market.” The last time we had a war for talent was in 2006. During that period, employers continued to follow a formula that had worked for years. During a booming economy, we treated […]
Work’s Single Most Important Revolution
The American spirit was founded on optimism, which is vastly different than hope. Optimism is the belief that our actions will lead to better lives. Now, optimism is being fused to profit-making and the results are spectacular. No other category of work better symbolizes optimism than in our country’s rapidly […]
We See You – Episode Deux
“The truths sets us free but at first, it will piss us off.” Attributed to a wide variety of sources. Many of us are worried that criminal and egregious behavior is becoming normalized within our culture. But, from the measurements we typically use, that just isn’t the case. […]
Will Work Save or End Democracy?
For the next few minutes, please include the possibility that we might be wrong on everything we suggest. Try on the upcoming thoughts and see where this narrative takes you. In an hour or two, if it doesn’t work, throw the ideas away. As a method of government, Democracy has led […]
The #1 Communication That Poisons Motivation
Unless someone asks for it, telling people what to do simply does not work. This is one of the basic ethics in ou approach to career development and talent management at Inspired Work. A few years ago, Barack Obama made a rather enlightened statement when he came to […]
What is Fear of Success – Really?
Picture this. You wake up tomorrow morning with the news that all of your bills have been paid, you have paid cash for a spectacular beach home in the Malibu Colony and purchased a brand-new Azimut 77S with crew of two (picture above) docked and waiting in the Marina. […]
If JFK Had Lived One More Day
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy I still remember that day as if it just happened. I was in first or second grade. My adoptive father pulled up to […]
To All of My Readers – Why Are U Grateful?
Why am I grateful? I get to have Thanksgiving dinner with my soul mate who is solid as a rock and with the sweetest heart that I know. Because we weathered the loss of my beloved dog Frankie and that we have two young dachshunds that seem ordained […]