Tag Archive from: career
The One Moment That Determines Our Success or Mediocrity
Our country is in the midst of a behavioral plague. It is rooted in our growing persistence of seeking comfort rather than taking action. If there is any doubt here are just a few pre-virtual reality statistics: America consumes over 80% of the world’s legal and illegal drugs. We […]
What Do We Tell Her About The Future of Work?
Today’s college graduates will change careers, not jobs, 4-6 times. In the Industrial Revolution, we found a good job, which gave us predictability and survival. By and large, political and religious leaders, our educational system and parents fell in line pushing the promise of predictability and survival over fulfillment. […]
Why Goals Don’t Work
“Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them.” Stephen Covey For much of my early professional life, I was a sales manager in the staffing industry. I worked in three multi-national companies and one highly robust local firm. During […]
Why Active Learners Own the Future
We used to derive our security from a job. Today we find our security from growth. In many ways, I believe this was always the case. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “I believe the most important characteristic parents ought to foster in their children is curiosity.” Active learning is […]
How One United Airlines Pilot Launched an Entirely New Career
Six years ago, I went out on a first date kind of place called Le Petit Four. It is in an especially “tony” area in Los Angeles referred to as Sunset Plaza. Open area restaurants nuzzle up against world famous boutiques and paparazzi chase after their targets. Paul was dashing, […]
Five Killer Filters Everyone Uses to Sabotage Change
America seems to be at a crossroads. Through my research and feedback from our clients, I have come to the conclusion that many of our citizens are skeptical about their future. For example, a recent survey indicates that 48% of America’s workers view themselves as “underemployed.” That number speaks directly […]
A Unique Career That Saved Thousands of Lives
I viewed Peggy Albrecht as my first client, long before the launch of Inspired Work. When we met, Peggy had what many would characterize as a “great job” working for a big company in downtown Los Angeles. She had this kind of civility and dignity that elevated her into one […]
Another Unique Career – How one man left a bank and returned to his roots
For the past 28 years, people from all walks of life have come through the Inspired Work Program to define and navigate into their most ideal career. Over 43,000 people have gone through the experience and every single one has a unique outcome. Whenever I share a story about our […]
Burn All The Boats – How a sole breadwinner reinvented his career
Four years ago, Dave Roth walked into the Inspired Work Program. He was confident, handsome, a father and marketing executive with a major digital brand. One of his colleagues strongly suggested that he come participate in the program. Early on, he told us he didn’t know what to expect and […]
A New Career After 50? One Stunning Example
When someone finds their unique purpose in life, everything seems to fall into place. In some cases, we find someone realizing they had a unique gift all along and finally let go of the survival job. Others find their purpose in life through a series of events. Many describe […]