Tag Archive from: career
Unlearning – Today’s Shockingly Important Skillset
In a world where change grows every day, it is vitally important that we become athletic active learners. It is equally important that we become “unlearners.” America’s great, late futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that by the turn of the century, most of us would be in a state of “future […]
Conquering Change – How to lead rather than follow a rapidly accelerating world
We live in tumultuous times. The industrial revolution is being replaced so quickly that few people have adequately defined “what’s next.” But the prelude to change is already in front of us. Simply play out the impact of 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Virtual Reality, and Information Filtering and we […]
Why Social Entrepreneurs Own the Future
Not long ago, I spoke to a group of CEOs in Calgary. The city was something of a ghost town. Most of the business executives were in petroleum and natural gas. After the presentation, I pointed out that hanging on for dear life with the petroleum industry was lowering the […]
The #1 Way to Get That Raise
Human beings are hard-wired to think about something other than themselves a maximum of 15 seconds. This science-based outlook turns pitch-selling on its head and the news also paves the way for a more enlightened approach towards getting a raise. So, you are probably already thinking, “How does this relate […]
What Brand Are U?
Business journalism spends lots of time presenting the power of brands. Let’s just bring up a few names as examples: Google, HBO, Disney, and Lloyds of London. What imagery and stories do these hallowed brands bring up? For many, Google is the number one brand representing progress. HBO is the […]
The Global Talent Crisis That Will Impact Every-Single-One-Of-Us
We have a massive global crisis on our hands around work and livelihood. The numbers speak for themselves. 48% of Americans view themselves as underemployed. In other words, they are living from paycheck to paycheck. It is impossible for people to have self-esteem if they are not having a direct […]
Why We Must Trade-In Old-Fashioned Security for Growth
How many of us are conscious enough to be excited about trading in a sense of old-fashioned security for perpetual growth? Most of us need to be educated to even realize what the opportunity means on a personal level. For the vast majority, real change is a frightening prospect. For […]
Is It Time to Turn Your Life Upside Down?
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.” John F. Kennedy I often find that when someone looks at whether she or he is going to follow what the soul is telling them to do, someone often responds, “If I do this, it is […]
This is What a Laser-Like Brand Looks Like
Over the years, I have helped many of our graduates launch new businesses. It is a growing trend. More and more participants define that their ideal next step is to go into business for themselves. It is one of my great joys to watch them include the fears and concerns […]
No Shortcuts – Adam Miller’s Road to Talent Success
The only true shortcut to success is in recognizing there are no shortcuts to success. David Harder’s new book, The Workplace Engagement Solution, points out how disengagement often begins when we attempt shortcuts in how we build our talent. Instead of developing a robust employer brand, some organizations hire for expedience. […]