Tag Archive from: career
America, Kindergarten for Apprenticeships
Time has proven that we learn nothing of value by studying dysfunction. Our most valuable lessons are earned by studying success, even if that success represents a small portion of our culture. This past year, Donald Trump announced a $200 million dollar budget to provide funding for apprenticeships. Unfortunately, […]
The Middle-Class is Not What We Are Losing
These days much is being made about the disappearance of our middle-class. Unfortunately, framing what is occurring as an economic issue distracts many of us from the real truth.We are not witnessing the elimination of the middle-class, we are eliminating task workers. This is a seismic shift so frightening that […]
How Can Work Become Your Greatest Relationship?
When I launched Inspired Work in 1990, I didn’t have a particularly fulfilling relationship towards work. While I was financially successful, my work wasn’t particularly rewarding or meaningful. I believe this is the norm for many of us. In fact, many parents present a black-or-white approach to family career development by […]
How to Get the Raise You Really Want!
This is a time of year when many of us are taking stock of our professional lives. It is also quite common for organizations to be conducting performance and salary reviews. Some employees will be disappointed with the results. A few will become righteously angry and leave. Others will put […]
Find Yourself By Being of Service to Others
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer There is a dogma about service. It is the notion that service can […]
New Year’s Resolution? This is Why Goals Don’t Work!
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day the year.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Happy Happy New Years! On December 31st at midnight, quite a few people are going to make resolutions – again. Many of us will know this when we go to our gym […]
What Is The Single Biggest Indicator Someone Will Succeed?
When we lead someone to the truth, there are many times we have no idea what happens. Every now and then, I encounter a participant or a client that seems to fight my input every step of the way. But, the truth is like throwing a stone into the water. […]
Why Do Our Children Need Sales Training?
My colleague Mary Campbell and I are developing a new business that includes a digital platform and book designed to help parents better understand how to prepare for the future of work. Until recently, Mary was the chief talent officer at The University of Southern California. They were our client. […]
The Most Important Conversation You Will Ever Have
“You create your own universe as you go along.” Winston Churchill Much has been made of “New Age” philosophies such as the Law of Attraction and The Secret. Essentially, these are philosophies and processes that are based on the idea that what we think, how we talk to ourselves, […]
Does Every Child Have A Unique Purpose?
Mo’s Bows is a tie and bowtie company founded by Moziah Bridges when he was 9 years old. Like so many successful children, his mother always gave him the idea he could do whatever he wanted with his life. Today, she works for her son when he shows up for […]