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Tag Archive from: career coach

surfing spectacular

Why Goals Don’t Work

By David Harder on the November, 27, 2017

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.”              Ralph Waldo Emerson We are at that magic time of the year where we look to the past and make plans for the future. There is nothing wrong with that. However, it is wise […]

surfing spectacular

The Future. What Will We Tell Our Children?

By David Harder on the November, 26, 2017

People that lead fulfilling and successful lives usually have a clearly defined and fully personalized mission, vision, and purpose. They build their success with a comprehensive set of life skills that bring success to virtually any career. Here is the rub. Many people are unwilling to learn the very skills […]

surfing spectacular

27 Years – What Did I Learn?

By David Harder on the September, 8, 2017

The life I lead began 27 years ago today. That morning opened with a drive down Pacific Coast Highway to the Loews Beach Hotel. Walking through the lobby, each step felt like a jump out of a plane without a parachute. But, an inner voice suggested I would find my […]

surfing spectacular

Why We Must Trade-In Old-Fashioned Security for Growth

By David Harder on the August, 17, 2017

How many of us are conscious enough to be excited about trading in a sense of old-fashioned security for perpetual growth? Most of us need to be educated to even realize what the opportunity means on a personal level. For the vast majority, real change is a frightening prospect. For […]

people walking

Break Out of the Frenzy Trap

By David Harder on the July, 19, 2017

Frenzy is part of the trap against leading engaged, happy, and fulfilled lives. Between increased workloads and constant access, we’re too busy to really connect, talk, take care of ourselves, reach out to others in meaningful ways, listen intently, pay attention to our peers, smile to our customers (and mean […]

surfing spectacular

The One Ingredient That Will Pull Anyone Through a Crisis

By David Harder on the July, 11, 2017

Survival and predictability were the primary career standards in the obsolete workplace. In that setting, it wasn’t necessary to adopt a vision beyond getting a job that provided these basic requirements. This mindset continues to undermine the potential for greater engagement. But, there is a more pressing issue behind a […]

college grad

Dream Job? A Fresh Graduate Gets Hired – On the Spot!

By David Harder on the July, 4, 2017

One of my very good clients and friends called a few years ago to ask that I give a coaching session to her son. He had just graduated from Cornell and had a few interviews scheduled for entry-level jobs. He was a charming, articulate, good-looking, and well-mannered young man. I […]

sheep in field

Without Insight, Your Tribe Can Make or Break You

By David Harder on the June, 28, 2017

We have that big announcement to make and there they are waiting for us. The Tribe. The problem is, tribes have rigid rituals and expectations, and when we break those rituals, they generally respond with some form of “You’re crazy.” For example, let’s say that we go home to the […]

surfing spectacular

How Unlearning Gives You the Keys to Modern Life

By David Harder on the June, 13, 2017

In a world where change grows every day, it is vitally important that we become athletic active learners. It is equally important that we become “unlearners.” America’s great, late futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that by the turn of the century, most of us would be in a state of “future […]

surfing spectacular

The History of Disengagement – (Final Chapter) – What the Bleep Happened?

By David Harder on the June, 5, 2017

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou The turn of the century (2000) delivered an unprecedented number of angry, disillusioned, and unmotivated workers to America’s organizations. In 24 years, most businesses had adopted the philosophies of the Meckling / […]
