A Life Raft for Mid-Managers
In a recent Harvard Business School study, mid-managers emerged as the most disengaged of all workers. This isn’t a big surprise. Mid-managers are overworked, undervalued and are the most at-risk employees during lay-offs. Academics and business authors routinely suggest that we get rid of them. Mid-managers used to be the
Inspired Social Networking Virtual Learning Begins Tuesday, March 29
The course begins at 4 p.m. (pst) to 6. It is followed by three weekly sessions. We have developed a program that helps you create: Highly Personalized Social Networking Brand A Unique Communications Process That Builds Participative Relationships An Understanding in How to Develop Your Own Artful Style on the
This is Why Anyone can Change
In getting prepared for the publication of my new book, The Great Disengagement, I find most of the business world talking about change. The troublesome aspect of change is that many people either believe they cannot change. Or, they are so afraid of changing themselves they won’t take right action.
What Is An Engagement CEO?
If only 13% of the world’s workers are engaged, the probability is fairly high that many CEOs are not taking charge of their culture. While surveys and leadership development are valuable pieces of employee engagement, personal transformation is even more critical. Most employees are overwhelmed with the pace of change
Complimentary Teleseminar Inspired Social Networking
Monday, February 29 at 4 – 5 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) (646) 741-7067 (no pin required) From the Founder of Inspired Work, David Harder: “Initially, I was appalled with social networking. Much of it felt like junk mail. Every day brought new connection requests, which I accepted, only to never
America IS Great Again!
Why Our Country Needs a New Set of Glasses I am one of the original big boosters and cheerleaders for Los Angeles and here’s why: It isn’t the fact that right now, I look out at blue skies and the Pacific Ocean with Catalina Island catching the eye just before
How Passing Fads are Turning the World of Work Upside Down
An extensive recent study called Impacts of Future Technology at the Oxford Martin School indicates that over half of all jobs in the US will be eliminated due to technology within the next 20 years. For those of us who view change as a bad thing, it will be a bad
The Inspired Work Program
In Los Angeles at the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel Saturday & Sunday, February 20 & 21 How is your relationship with work? From a time perspective, work is the biggest relationship that we have. We lead everyone into the rich possibilities inherent in that relationship and provide a process that makes it
Is Jon Stewart the Greatest Boss in America?
What is the single most important information you need to know before you accept that job? The correct answer is, “Who is the boss?” Mediocre bosses ruin what is, on paper, an ideal job. On the other hand, a great boss can take even a modest beginning and spin your career
Hold Onto What You Have? Or, Go For It!
This morning I was wrapped up in conversation with a brilliant scientist who has devoted his life to bringing new forms of healing to the medical profession. I said, “Clearly, you are madly and deeply in love with your work!” He recounted that when his institution was established work felt
The Inspired Work Program (Los Angeles)
January 15 & 16 or February 20 & 21 How is your relationship with work? From a time perspective, it is the biggest relationship that we have. So, big improvements in our relationship towards work impact every aspect of our life – positively and richly. The Inspired Work Program illuminates
Why You Need to Become a Surfing Coach!
Happy New Year! For those of us who have learned how to adapt well to change, one of the most urgent ways we can serve others is to inspire and support them to change themselves. Lest this statement be interpreted as a little high concept, let’s take a look at the
Humility – Einstein & Shark Tank
“I want to know the thoughts of God. The rest are details.” Albert Einstein One of the fundamental keys to success is humility. All of us lose our ways at times. We become caught up in the ego. But,
Inspired Social Networking
Four Virtual Weekly Two-Hour Sessions Begin Tuesday, January 19, 4-6 p.m. (PST) Inspired Social Networking offers a creative and fun-to-use process that leads to highly engaged targeted relationships. From the Founder of Inspired Work, David Harder: “Prior to launching Inspired Work, I was a sales executive who led a variety of
The Most Important Conversation You Will Ever Have
“You create your own universe as you go along.” Winston Churchill Over the last twenty years, I have observed thousands of people from all walks of life answer questions that guide them to more fulfilling and joyful professional lives. The work
The Inspired Work Program – December 5 & 6
For the vast majority of us, work is the biggest relationship that we have. We spend most of our hours getting ready for, driving to, being at, coming home and recovering from work. Inspired Work’s entire purpose is to improve our relationship with work and hence, our entire lives. We serve the
A Marine General Steps Into His Unexpected Life
Mel Spiese has devoted his entire life to doing the right thing. That one serendipitous commitment has led to a rightness and integrity that shows up in every aspect of his being. He grew up in a very loving and supportive family. But, they didn’t push him to excel. At
A Client Steps Onto Her Own Amazing Right Path
I met Karen Bonsignore in our March Inspired Work Program. For three decades, Karen led CNN’s entertainment news group. Not long before her walking in our door, CNN reorganized and laid off one of the largest and most talented group of professionals in media history. Almost all of us who
Career Development for Twelve Year Olds
For three hundred years, our educational system was designed to prepare new workers for the industrial revolution and for jobs. Except for a few exceptionally aware souls, generations of parents told their children to seek predictability and survival over fulfillment and joy. Most parents didn’t tell their kids to be
A Surprising Love Letter From Albert Einstein
Toward the end of his life, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to his daughter Lieserl. He asked that his personal correspondence would not be published until twenty years after his death. I am sharing this letter with you because it bears witness to the truth beneath the surface of one
The Inspired Work Program
Saturday & Sunday – November 14 & 15 or December 5 & 6 At the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel (Los Angeles) Work, for most of us, is the biggest relationship that we have. By extension, the quality of that relationship impacts every aspect of our lives and our friends,
David Harder at The Inside Edge – UC Irvine October 28th
Why are We Really Afraid of Change? Personal change represents one of the most challenging of human experiences. For example, think of the fears that come up with launching a new career, starting a business, getting sober, losing the weight and keeping it off, ending decades of being single, stepping out on
Another Innovation That is About to Change Everything
A few months ago I wrote an article about 3D printing and how it is growing into a tidal wave that will displace manufacturing jobs as we know them. Perhaps it will even loosen China’s dominance as the back room manufacturer of the world. I described a future where you can order
Is It Time To Reinvent Labor (Day)?
The following Linked-In article was published this past Monday. It has received so much attention we are making it available to our regular readers. Today, remembering why we celebrate Labor Day is problematic. For most of us, it simply represents great clearance sales and celebrating that last bit of summer
The Shocking Failure Of Our Political Candidates
We watched last week’s debate – who could miss it? Regardless of party affiliation, the event offered far more entertainment value than anything else. Trumps statements were expected. But, my lowest moment relates to what is coming out of candidates mouths on both sides of the fence: Marco Rubio made a
Blow Up Hr – Again?
I love Harvard Business Review. Between The Atlantic Review and HBR help me appear to have at least an additional 10 IQ points. However, this months cover story “It’s Time To Blow Up HR and build something new” offers little in terms of new thought and misses the boat on the most critical
A Letter From David Harder
Years ago, I interviewed the late Howard House – Founder of the House Ear Institute, which has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people. I asked why he continued to come to the clinic in his 90’s. His response was immediate, “I want to see our patients faces when they
Growing Old Disgracefully
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” – The Goddess Sophia Loren A few years ago, a
AUTHENTICITY? Why the Usual Success Story = Fraud
“Every album, I’m worried that I’m a dork and a fraud – ‘What if I can’t sing anymore?’ Then I stop thinking and start playing guitar, and I realize that it’s okay to suck, and move forward.” – Pink The authenticity movement is growing
Why We Do It And Why You Will Want To
THE INSPIRED WORK PROGRAM Saturday & Sunday – June 13 & 14 in Los Angeles September 15 & 16, 1990 represented the dawn of my professional life. I walked into a hotel ballroom to deliver the first Inspired Work Program to thirty-six participants. The program has the magic of getting
Why We Are Not Hiring Veterans
As we complete the Memorial Day Holiday take a moment to consider that all of us could do more to support veterans. After World War II, veterans were treated with a sense of honor and respect that inspired an entire country to support their return to civilian life. But, America’s growing ambivalence
The Critical Link Between Motivation & Curiosity
“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” Eleanor Roosevelt Real motivation and curiosity are inextricably linked. The best leaders and sales people that I know build their success on a
How One Innovation is About to Change Our Entire World
Picture this: You’ve wanted that new BMW convertible for quite some time. You get a promotion and a bonus. Your first thought is to order your brand new car. You visit BMW’s website and key in all of the options, the color and the interior. You get to customize this
Inspired Social Networking
Four Virtual Weekly Two-Hour Sessions Starting on Monday, May 18, 4-6 p.m. (PST) Inspired Social Networking offers a creative and fun-to-use process that leads to highly engaged targeted relationships. From the Founder of Inspired Work, David Harder: “Prior to launching Inspired Work, I was a sales executive who led a variety
The Shocking Truth About Employment In 2015 (Part Two)
Pre-Boarding and On-Boarding workers have become tony business processes. But, the vast majority of employers are doing a terrible job in presenting their brand and creating goodwill during the hiring process. Many of our individual clients are looking for new jobs and they bring back war stories that are simply

A Letter From David Harder Regarding The Inspired Work Program
Years ago, I interviewed the late Howard House – Founder of the House Ear Institute, which has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people. I asked why he continued to come to the clinic in his 90’s. His response was immediate, “I want to see our patients faces when they
Why Employee Engagement Cannot Catch Up To Change
In creating highly engaged work environments I have learned the reason that we have such a disengaged workforce is that we have not taught our workers how to change. For many years, we were taught that predictability and survival is more valuable than loving our work. In our one-minded pursuit of this
The Shocking Truth About Flying on DisUnited Airlines
In mid-January, a sizable group of past and current United Airlines employees signed a petition filed by demanding the resignation of United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek. It calls Smisek out for cutting costs at the expense of services and taking steps that damage retirees – all actions the group
Inspired Work Partner Profile
Decision Toolbox Kim Shepherd – CEO Inspired Work’s community includes strategic partners and graduates that provide unique and unexpected solutions to issues surrounding work, business and careers. In the months ahead, we will be sharing a variety of these resources with you. If you hire talent, consider this fact-based statement
Build a Community That Befits The Life You Want To Lead
Ask the Questions People Want To Hear There is a basic biological fact that human beings are hardwired to be able to think about something other than themselves for a maximum of fifteen seconds. Here is what that could mean for you: If you don’t like making or
This Relationship Might Need Your Attention
The quality of the relationship that we have with our work impacts every other relationship in our lives. When we began helping individuals transform their relationship towards work, many participants came to us to elicit one big change in their work lives. Some wanted to define what they were
The New Face of Loyalty
Many organizations and employees are stymied in how to get on the same page with mission, vision and purpose. In most organizations, the purpose of each job is to increase shareholder value and that is not meaningful enough to produce engagement within each worker. Let us couple
What Happened to Me
The Inspired Work Youtube Channel One word aptly describes last week’s alumni event: Sweet. The evening offered a blend of enthusiasm, joy, kindness and support that will signify our growing alumni community. With over 42,000 graduates, we believe our alumni members represent people who pursue the best in themselves
Alumni Event
Thought Revolution and “What Happened to Me!” January 20, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Join us for an exciting evening that will give you opportunities to network, meet other graduates and experience a wonderful presentation by Bill Donius – bestselling author of “Thought Revolution – How to Unlock Your Inner Genius.”
A Letter From David Harder
Years ago, I interviewed the late Howard House – Founder of the House Ear Institute, which has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people. I asked why he continued to come to the clinic in his 90’s. His response was immediate, “I want to see our patients faces when
Why goals don’t work
“Commitment is an act, not a word.” Jean-Paul Sartre Today, gyms will be filled with newcomers. Most of them will be gone by February. Whenever I ask the question, “Who wants to give up goals?” I am aware that I’m stepping into, what for many of us, is
Another year or a new year?
THE INSPIRED WORK PROGRAM January 10 & 11 At the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel (Los Angeles) For the vast majority of us, work is the biggest relationship that we have. We spend most of our hours getting ready for, driving to, being at, coming home and recovering from work. Inspired Work’s entire
A unique start for a truly new year!
THE INSPIRED WORK PROGRAM January 10 & 11, 2014 What would happen if you were happy all of the time? No, we’re not talking about the kind of happiness that fades from sameness. We are proposing happiness that never really wears out because life is using everything you have and
How the bleep did we get here?
Perhaps it is time to replace our fear of change with an enthusiasm for growth. The Industrial Revolution had an iron grip on our culture for about three hundred years. Clearly that era was over by the end of the 20th century. But, we continue to experience the shock of
Life as if
“The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.” In 1970, Alvin Toffler’s “Future Shock” predicted a world where the acceleration of technology would reach such a crescendo that many would sink into a
Gratitude and the life changing month
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beattie One of the
Burning all the boats – One man’s journey towards freedom
Most of you know it: My greatest joy is to be around when someone transforms his or her life. Today, we offer an example: In his mid-forties, Dave Roth is a highly respected pioneer in digital marketing. He has worked for and served a number of Fortune 100 companies. Dave
Born perfect
“Every word, facial expression, gesture, or action on the part of a parent gives the child some message about self-worth. It is sad that so many parents don’t realize what messages they are sending.” – Virginia Satir We are born perfect. What would have happened to us if we had
The genius of courage
“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.” – John F. Kennedy I’ve been quite caught up with an article from famed neuroscientist Nancy C. Andreasen entitled, “Secrets of the Creative Brain.” It is a lead story in
Look up
I am in the midst of research for a new book about employee engagement and the findings indicate a bar set really, really low. For example Gallup’s most recent poll regarding employee engagement indicates that only 12% of the world’s workers are engaged. Employee engagement programs routinely fail because they
A letter from david harder
Years ago, I interviewed the late Howard House – Founder of the House Ear Institute, which has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people. I asked why he continued to come to the clinic in his 90’s. His response was immediate, “I want to see our patients faces when
Towering voices
Early in her life, she moved from job to job. She was a fry cook, a nightclub dancer, a prostitute and madam in San Diego. When Maya Angelou passed away last week, she left as a Pulitzer Prize winning author, a spiritual figure that moved nations and a friend who
Service uplifts all of us
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer Service uplifts all of us. I do not buy the dogma that service, to
The best of us
This is love And I’ve learned enough to know No, no, no – won’t let go When you want it – when you need it You’ll always have the best of me You’ll always get the best of me.
Practical optimism – Practical attraction
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right. – Henry Ford The most important conversation we are having is the conversation with ourselves. If we want to improve the quality of our lives…improve the conversation! Robert Maurer, the Director
End the confusion between hope and optimism
“Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” Vaclav Havel I believe in optimism and do not believe in hope. In my own life, hope
A letter from david harder (Why we do it?)
During an interview with Newsweek, the journalist took a detour and asked, “You sound so excited about your own work, what do you love the most?” That was easy: “I get to be in the presence of miracles.” In the years since we started our programs, I’ve watched thousands of
Changed for good
Like a comet pulled from orbit As it passes a sun Like a stream that meets a boulder Halfway through the wood Who can say if I’ve changed for the better? But because I knew you I have been changed for good From Wicked – lyrics & music by
If Kennedy lived one more day
There are so many opinions about John F. Kennedy. My adoptive parents were staunch Republicans. So, it is hard for me to accept that falling in love with his message was a partisan issue. I was just six years old. “Ask not what your country can do for you but
On becoming who you are
One Move Beyond the Crisis in Education Higher education is here to teach us how to learn It is not here to define what to do with our lives I spend a lot of time on university campuses and virtually every academic is consumed with the challenges facing higher education.
Gifts in the face of mortality
Our greatest lessons often occur in the face of mortality. One of my dearest and most influential friends is bravely battling cancer. We spend precious time together in her living room. For years, she has been a tireless advocate, a wise elder, a mentor and an inspiration. The lessons that
What is a unique gift?
Dear Friends, During the last thirty years, the industrial revolution was indeed replaced with the information age. For many of us, there has been difficulty and awkwardness in letting go of the old standards and measurements of work. The highest measurement of productivity used to be “quantity” – how many bolts can
A matter of parenting
Many of you either know someone who is going through this experience or you are in it. There are many striking challenges in the modern workplace for employers as well as workers. We see more and more professionals leaving their jobs because they want to directly engage in the gift
Everyone has a unique path, unique work and the opportunity to make a difference
Dear Friends, At Inspired Work, our mission is to help as many people as possible love their work. All of our client companies want employees who are engaged with their work. People seek us out because they want to wake up in the morning and think, “I can’t wait to
Want to make a difference? Listen to this!
Dear Friends, In 1990, I left the staffing industry to launch Inspired Work. Many clients had become close personal friends and it was exciting to tell them the news. Nancy Kezlarian was one of my favorites, helping run Norman Lear’s Company – Act III Productions. Nancy was one of the
Employee engagement – How can you know?
The concept of employee engagement entered the workplace in 1990. Ironically, we were delivering the first Inspired Work Program which has become one of the leading resources for employee engagement. The need for employee engagement only increases with time. If we don’t get this message, we get a crisis. I’ve harped on
Ageism at work? Become a journalist!
My greatest fear in today’s economic landscape is that too many American workers will give up their hopes, dreams and aspirations. A recent Towers Watson survey indicates that over 70% of American workers are hunkering down and planning to stick to their old jobs. That same reputable firm put out
Full employment – A real culture revolution
In 1990, the United States was in a significant recession and that was also the year we launched Inspired Work. The business was founded on a seminar that focuses on building the best possible relationship towards work. The full insights in how to build that relationship are more important than
Jet Blue – An employer brand that hasn’t happend
Dear Friends, I just returned from launching our new office in Manhattan, an exciting week, connecting with our colleagues and clients in my 2nd favorite American city. It was fascinating how much people in the Big Apple were talking about Steven Slater, the Jet Blue flight attendant who lost his