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Woman Dive into Water

The Inspired Work Program – April 16 & 17

By David Harder on the April, 8, 2016

At the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel in Los Angeles.   From a time perspective, work is the biggest relationship that we have.   From the founder and President of Inspired Work, David Harder:   “Change is impacts virtually every profession in ways we could never imagine. Culturally, was have been […]

Beach Day Joy

How Could You Not Take Anything Seriously?

By David Harder on the March, 28, 2016

  I’ve been popular and unpopular successful and unsuccessful loved and loathed and I know how meaningless it all is. Therefore I feel free to take whatever risks I want. -Madonna     YESTERDAY, I was meeting with a very talented client who is launching a writing career. I was […]

A Life Raft for Mid-Managers

By David Harder on the March, 15, 2016

In a recent Harvard Business School study, mid-managers emerged as the most disengaged of all workers. This isn’t a big surprise. Mid-managers are overworked, undervalued and are the most at-risk employees during lay-offs. Academics and business authors routinely suggest that we get rid of them. Mid-managers used to be the […]

Inspired Social Networking Virtual Learning Begins Tuesday, March 29

By David Harder on the March, 13, 2016

The course begins at 4 p.m. (pst) to 6. It is followed by three weekly sessions. We have developed a program that helps you create: Highly Personalized Social Networking Brand A Unique Communications Process That Builds Participative Relationships An Understanding in How to Develop Your Own Artful Style on the […]

This is Why Anyone can Change

By David Harder on the March, 12, 2016

In getting prepared for the publication of my new book, The Great Disengagement, I find most of the business world talking about change. The troublesome aspect of change is that many people either believe they cannot change. Or, they are so afraid of changing themselves they won’t take right action. […]

What Is An Engagement CEO?

By David Harder on the March, 7, 2016

If only 13% of the world’s workers are engaged, the probability is fairly high that many CEOs are not taking charge of their culture. While surveys and leadership development are valuable pieces of employee engagement, personal transformation is even more critical. Most employees are overwhelmed with the pace of change […]

Complimentary Teleseminar Inspired Social Networking

By David Harder on the February, 22, 2016

Monday, February 29 at 4 – 5 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) (646) 741-7067 (no pin required) From the Founder of Inspired Work, David Harder: “Initially, I was appalled with social networking. Much of it felt like junk mail. Every day brought new connection requests, which I accepted, only to never […]

The Inspired Work Program

By David Harder on the February, 1, 2016

In Los Angeles at the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel Saturday & Sunday, February 20 & 21 How is your relationship with work? From a time perspective, work is the biggest relationship that we have. We lead everyone into the rich possibilities inherent in that relationship and provide a process that makes it […]

Hold Onto What You Have? Or, Go For It!

By David Harder on the January, 20, 2016

This morning I was wrapped up in conversation with a brilliant scientist who has devoted his life to bringing new forms of healing to the medical profession. I said, “Clearly, you are madly and deeply in love with your work!” He recounted that when his institution was established work felt […]

The Inspired Work Program (Los Angeles)

By David Harder on the January, 11, 2016

January 15 & 16 or February 20 & 21 How is your relationship with work? From a time perspective, it is the biggest relationship that we have. So, big improvements in our relationship towards work impact every aspect of our life – positively and richly. The Inspired Work Program illuminates […]
