Showing Post from: Essays
Why Employee Engagement Cannot Catch Up To Change
In creating highly engaged work environments I have learned the reason that we have such a disengaged workforce is that we have not taught our workers how to change. For many years, we were taught that predictability and survival is more valuable than loving our work. In our one-minded pursuit of this […]
The Shocking Truth About Flying on DisUnited Airlines
In mid-January, a sizable group of past and current United Airlines employees signed a petition filed by demanding the resignation of United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek. It calls Smisek out for cutting costs at the expense of services and taking steps that damage retirees – all actions the group […]
Inspired Work Partner Profile
Decision Toolbox Kim Shepherd – CEO Inspired Work’s community includes strategic partners and graduates that provide unique and unexpected solutions to issues surrounding work, business and careers. In the months ahead, we will be sharing a variety of these resources with you. If you hire talent, consider this fact-based statement […]
Build a Community That Befits The Life You Want To Lead
Ask the Questions People Want To Hear There is a basic biological fact that human beings are hardwired to be able to think about something other than themselves for a maximum of fifteen seconds. Here is what that could mean for you: If you don’t like making or […]
This Relationship Might Need Your Attention
The quality of the relationship that we have with our work impacts every other relationship in our lives. When we began helping individuals transform their relationship towards work, many participants came to us to elicit one big change in their work lives. Some wanted to define what they were […]
The New Face of Loyalty
Many organizations and employees are stymied in how to get on the same page with mission, vision and purpose. In most organizations, the purpose of each job is to increase shareholder value and that is not meaningful enough to produce engagement within each worker. Let us couple […]
What Happened to Me
The Inspired Work Youtube Channel One word aptly describes last week’s alumni event: Sweet. The evening offered a blend of enthusiasm, joy, kindness and support that will signify our growing alumni community. With over 42,000 graduates, we believe our alumni members represent people who pursue the best in themselves […]
Alumni Event
Thought Revolution and “What Happened to Me!” January 20, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Join us for an exciting evening that will give you opportunities to network, meet other graduates and experience a wonderful presentation by Bill Donius – bestselling author of “Thought Revolution – How to Unlock Your Inner Genius.” […]
A Letter From David Harder
Years ago, I interviewed the late Howard House – Founder of the House Ear Institute, which has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people. I asked why he continued to come to the clinic in his 90’s. His response was immediate, “I want to see our patients faces when […]
Why goals don’t work
“Commitment is an act, not a word.” Jean-Paul Sartre Today, gyms will be filled with newcomers. Most of them will be gone by February. Whenever I ask the question, “Who wants to give up goals?” I am aware that I’m stepping into, what for many of us, is […]