Showing Posts from: David Harder
How to Stay Out of The Career Dinosaur Club
For much of my adult life, I’ve help orchestrate the success of people who want the best possible relationship towards their work. Quite often, someone tells me they have been the target of age discrimination due to an individual or organizational bias. While many cases exist, I am always concerned […]
How Can You Sentence Yourself to Happiness?
The secret to happiness is freedom…And the secret to freedom is courage. – Thucydides There was a time in my life where I put happiness into the future. I was always working towards a goal without enjoying much of this day-to-day ride called “life.” I was so busy delivering […]
This Political Scandal Called “Work”
Earlier this week, Sarah Huckabee Sanders apologized for making a claim that Donald Trump created 700,000 jobs while Barack Obama only created 195,000 new positions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that Trump created 708,000 jobs, Obama created 3 Million positions. What is so outlandish about the numbers is […]
The Surprising Way to End Rebellion With Our Children
“Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” Robert Fulghum For generations, humans have traded in the spiritually bankrupt practice of telling children what to do with their work lives rather than encouraging their children to define what they most want. We […]
Does Your Tribe Own Or Support You?
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. – Richard Bach All too often, we underestimate the power of tribe on our decisions, communications, and behavior. Tribes are made up of families, employers, associations, clubs, stores, […]
How Madison Avenue Transformed Gay Rights
Fed up, I called the leader of the political action group that had orchestrated the rally and yelled into the phone, “We aren’t solving a thing with our people parading around in dresses and makeup.” He got all righteous on me and we argued a bit but then my points […]
My Prayer for the United States of America
This morning, I have one prayer for our country: That we find ways to collaborate and respect each other, recognizing that political differences are superficial, especially when compared to what is possible. I also pray that we recognize much of the turmoil in this country is about change. […]
My Favorite Publisher is About to Become Your Favorite Source of Good
“Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.” Khalil Gibran Giving is not a selfless act. Giving improves the lives of everyone it touches. I’ve observed that when someone has the lowest self-esteem, perhaps even self-loathing, giving is the most reliable way […]
How Can Elon Musk Be Saved?
Many of us don’t define what we truly want to accomplish with our lives because we believe, on some fundamental level, that the right people will not show up to help us. However, once we define what we want to accomplish, our success is purely based on the quality […]
What Are Courage Skills?
Soft Skills: Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Over the years, I’ve observed the words “soft skills” as a derogatory term, often used to dismiss entire categories of learning. This is done because the development of such skills requires courage. Learning how […]