Showing Posts from: David Harder
The #1 Communication That Poisons Motivation
Unless someone asks for it, telling people what to do simply does not work. This is one of the basic ethics in ou approach to career development and talent management at Inspired Work. A few years ago, Barack Obama made a rather enlightened statement when he came to […]
The Truth Behind Mary Barra’s Debacle
General Motor’s CEO is clearly willing to take decisive action in moving the company forward. But, her overall performance is strikingly uneven. Let’s start with the good news. Barra has made bold moves towards the future by investing in self-driving cars, electric vehicles and ride-sharing networks. In 2016, GM […]
What is Fear of Success – Really?
Picture this. You wake up tomorrow morning with the news that all of your bills have been paid, you have paid cash for a spectacular beach home in the Malibu Colony and purchased a brand-new Azimut 77S with crew of two (picture above) docked and waiting in the Marina. […]
If JFK Had Lived One More Day
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy I still remember that day as if it just happened. I was in first or second grade. My adoptive father pulled up to […]
To All of My Readers – Why Are U Grateful?
Why am I grateful? I get to have Thanksgiving dinner with my soul mate who is solid as a rock and with the sweetest heart that I know. Because we weathered the loss of my beloved dog Frankie and that we have two young dachshunds that seem ordained […]
February 15, 1965, was just another day during a tumultuous era in our country. 1,268 people had just been arrested in Selma, Alabama. President Lyndon Baines Johnson was ramping up the war in Vietnam. Russian submarine K 11 had a meltdown and exploded deep in the Atlantic Ocean. That […]
How to Get the Best Recommendations in the World!
“There are two things people want more than sex and money…recognition and praise.” Mary Kay Ash In today’s world of accelerating change, connectivity and learning have become the keys to our success. In our social networking program, we teach people how to use LinkedIn, Facebook and other digital […]
Curiosity’s Striking Role in Modern Success
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.” – Albert Einstein Whenever we think of the twisted proverb, “Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back,” it is easy to envision creative thinkers in their recliners yelling at the TV and inhaling large […]
Does Your Bank Love You or View You as an Easy Mark?
Many consumers pay little attention to the quality of certain vendors. Banking is all the same right? And yet, we find that the CEO or owner of all businesses sets the tone in how customers and employees are treated. In 1990, I launched Inspired Work out of my condo […]
Why Have Employer Brands Become More Important Than Consumer Brands?
Employer brands have become equally important to consumer brands. A consumer brand tells the world why you exist. An employer brand is who are actually are. In our country, entire tribes of CEOs perpetuate an idea that in order to offer low-prices customers are willing to have […]