I am one of the original big boosters and cheerleaders for Los Angeles and here’s why:

It isn’t the fact that right now, I look out at blue skies and the Pacific Ocean with Catalina Island catching the eye just before the horizon.

It isn’t the fast cars. It isn’t the shopping, movies, wealth, cutting-edge museums and an overabundance of options.

I love Los Angeles first and foremost because of its talent. We are one of those rare cities that attracts the best and the brightest; people who pack up their belongings and come here to pursue the dream. Our town is filled with bright and interesting souls from all over the world who are selling their gifts.

Be extension, this is also one of the primary reasons that I love the United States. Our country is filled to the brim with talent, innovation, solution designers, artists with paint and sales skills, scientists bent on curing cancer, genius technologists designing our future, sophisticated farmers reinventing the way we feed the world.

This is but a snippet of the talent that our founding and promise has attracted for 300 years.

I am in the human potential business and Los Angeles is the perfect place to be inspired. But, I have also learned that wherever we place attention, that is what we become. I can only withstand the news, media and politics of our country for about five minutes before figuring out that all is lost, we are in a pile of dung and terrorists are probably bringing a dirty bomb to our local harbor. Then, I go to the window and look for the apocalypse only to hear the gentle waves hitting the sand, birds chirping in the background as the sun gloriously speeds towards Japan.

If we extend the idea that whatever we pay attention to is what we become, let’s consider the larger narratives taking place in our fine country. We seem to have the choice to look at all of the progress that has been made economically, socially and spiritually. Or, we can make a case that normal people are being exploited, families are being cast aside and China will turn us into a party slave in very short order! Trances like that seem to bring up the need for large quantities of high fructose corn syrup and pharmaceuticals! In other words, let the trance begin.

Here is required reading for anyone is resonating so far:

In the new Atlantic Review, James Fallows has written a brilliant article, “How America is Putting Itself Back Together.” Mr. Fallows and his wife took a small plane and spent the last year flying into small towns across America. Their findings are just the kind of news that we need to hear. In town after town, they found large quantities of talented people focused on solving local problems such as building new educational systems, retraining individuals that had fallen into obsolescence and creating thriving downtowns.

The predominant themes include a strong across-the-board sense of dismissing the negativity occurring in the national political scene and a greater concern in nourishing the good in their towns. Throughout our country, we find a wide ranging growth of technology pockets, areas that are quickly becoming as influential as Silicon Valley itself. One of the fundamental reasons this is happening is that real estate is cheaper, we can leverage more and we can do more.

I have devoted much of my life to transforming our relationship towards work, to make our world better by helping as many people as possible find the “sweet spot” that mixes their talent with economic payoff. It is in my study of talent all of these years that makes me so proud to be an Angelean but to an even greater degree as an America. Because when it comes to talent, we rock.

Trust me. We can watch enough TV to make a case that eating donuts and hiding in the mumu until the end of days is a really good idea. But I challenge anyone to read James Fallow’s article and not come away feeling more optimistic and energized.

This is who we are and one article won’t change much. If you connect with what I am saying, pay more attention to the good happening all around us, to the growth of our economy, to the innovation taking place with the neighbor next door, in the new schools that are being founded around the corner. To put this in perspective, activity like this is happening in San Bernardino, the very town whose legacy has become one of shocking domestic terrorism and poverty. Much more good is happening in that town than bad.

This is where America needs to shift its attention and it can happen with you. Rebel against the negative messages, quit feeding them and turn to the positive actions taking place around us – this is what our country needs and I believe it is what all of us most want.

For more of James Fallows article, (Click Here).

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The Inspired Work Program (Los Angeles)

Saturday & Sunday – February 20 & 21

For most of us, work is the biggest relationship that we have.

The Inspired Work Program has led over 42,000 into defining and discovering great relationships with their work. Quite simply, it is the most advanced group program igniting the topic of work.

Inspired Work’s method links Socratic process to a science-based model literally wraps itself around the unique needs and expectations of each participant. During this immersive experience, you will define all that you want to accomplish with such clarity that your outcome is immediate, actionable and unique.

Your experience of positive change is initiated by our curriculum. More tellingly, you leave with a skill set that helps you continue to initiate valuable growth rather than being swallowed by the waves of change.

“I received Inspired Work emails for years and finally contacted David Harder about his company. I am so glad I did – not only did I spend an amazing weekend at one of his workshops, but I hired him to facilitate a staff retreat at my non-profit foundation. This retreat was one of the best experiences ever for our employees – it not only strengthened the bond between them, but inspired and motivated them, as well. Our team is now better than ever, and we owe that to David. On a personal note, I just think he’s a terrific human being, and I hope to continue to work with him on a variety of projects (and to take more of his workshops!).”

Katy Garritson, Television Producer

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Inspired Social Networking in New York 

Wednesday, March 23

Is social networking your #1 source of business?

If not, this program will change your entire experience of the medium.

Social Networking has the power to transform turn businesses into category leaders, to develop rock star careers and to build rock solid support systems in a short period of time.

We provide a learning program in one day coupled to a support system that brings you to a whole new level of creativity, effectiveness and fun with social networking.

We have room for fifteen participants on March 23.

For more information: (Click Here)

Enroll by calling (310) 277-4850