I was waiting to board the plane back to LA after delivering a keynote speech in Portland. The driver dropped me off about 3 hours before departure. In the guest lounge, I was in-the-deep with writing and editing. Purifying the message happens to be one of my joyful experiences. The

I have a growing sense of discomfort about the stream of messages that portray the most un-American of all traits: Helplessness. I don’t know about you, but the notion that we can’t change the world is killing us. In 2012, a young man walked into Sandy Hook

Study Him
Yesterday, there were a series of posts on Facebook offering generous helpings of condemnation over Elon Musk’s “purchase” of Twitter. One rant was centered on how that money could have ended world hunger. There was not one mention of whether the person making that statement had ever sent out a

Basic Intelligence – Why Our Teachers Are Walking Out The Door?
Our nation’s schoolteachers are notoriously underpaid, especially when we recognize the impact they have in educating and taking care of our children. The Brookings Institute just released a study indicating that over a fourth of our teachers are leaving this year. We’ve heard the stories, many of them actually go

What I Most Want for America
I would dare say the July 4th holiday we just encountered was unlike anything we have experienced before. What happens when you take over 300 million citizens, put them in isolation for a year-and-a-half, give them time-on-their-hands to think, and force-feed them with constant reminders of their mortality?

Why We Will Never Get Over Fear
“I think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway.” Taylor Swift “Courage is getting up on that horse even when you are scared witless.” John Wayne I know the “self-help” industry promotes the notion of fearlessness. The pursuit of fearlessness, in truth, is an enormous waste of

Words That Cut Our Power In Half
No Problem. Honestly. You Know. Utterly. Do You Know What I Mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I hope so. You Shouldn’t Have. It was Nothing. The way we unconsciously communicate to others determines how the world will engage with us. When the late and great Toni Morrison accepted

Anyone Sacrificing Their Life for a Mission?
I did. The door to my life’s work opened when my record producer suddenly died. I will never regret letting go of that career to help others find their ideal career. But the demands of Inspired Work grew and music, the primary language of my life, slipped away.

Loving One’s Work Used to be Nice. Today, it is Essential.
Much has been said about the divisiveness rolling through our country. Unfortunately, little is said about ending the source of that anger. Not long ago, our country celebrated a 3.8% unemployment rate. At the same time, about half of America’s workers characterized themselves as underemployed. Most of them were

2021 – The Year to Transform Work
This year, I realized that it really doesn’t matter whether I trust God or not. God goes on. But, I have learned that when I trust all will turn out and that spirit is right here, it is far easier to be happy. For years, many of our participants

Some of the Most Beautiful Words You Will Ever Hear from the Late Great George Carlin
As a fan, I was a relative latecomer to George Carlin. Then, he came to my old haunt the Comedy Store only to go on a tirade about the human arrogance behind Earth Day. “Save the Planet?” he yelled. He brought up that our planet is so much bigger

What Everyone Ought to Know About December
It’s that time of year again, worshipping, shopping, cooking obscene quantities of food, and thinking through the possibilities of a New Year. I’m not big on offering unsolicited advice but 2020 will most likely go down as the most difficult year in our collective history. Yogi Barra once said,

Dear Mr. President, What About Our Work?
Dear Mr. President, One of the few things I know for sure is that when we believe there isn’t enough for all of us, we turn on each other. The purpose of democracy is to provide relevance to every citizen. The purpose of democracy is to provide relevance to

What is Forgiveness Really?
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi I have lived a long and winding road with forgiveness. For years, I could not find nor could I articulate a form of forgiveness that worked for me. As a human development professional,

The Real Heros
We live and die in a time of astonishing contrasts. For the first time in our lives, we are getting our noses rubbed in these contrasts daily. Perhaps the most powerful theme is that all of us encounter mortality on a daily basis. I’ve observed this is when we tend

The Best News About Work – Ever
It seems that all of us are going through a lashing storm (at home, I use a differing adjective). The one area where I have expertise is work and I reach out to all of you with the spirit of help. Before the pandemic, about half of America’s workers characterized themselves

Why We Will Never Get Over Fear
“I think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway.” – Taylor Swift “Courage is getting up on that horse even when you are scared witless.” – John Wayne In 1990, I did the unthinkable by becoming a member of the human potential industry. Thirty years later, I have reached a

A Thirty Year Anniversary?
Why Does This Feel Like the Dress Rehearsal? “Pushed by the Pain or Pulled by the Vision.” This is a phrase in which I am intimately familiar. The extremes were a driving force in launching Inspired Work, thirty years ago this weekend. Outside of our bonds with loved

The World Above Politics
Every Sunday morning at 7, I call into a spiritual group and we support each other. As I listen to their kindness, commitment, empathy, care, watchfulness, and contribution, I realize this is what most of us need to move forward. Calling each other stupid isn’t cutting it. Always

Give Our Children the Skills They Need
We call it Connectivity. Connectivity is a series of life skills that are essential in today’s workplace. Without Connectivity, people and opportunities sail right past us. Connectivity represents the Ability to fluidly and graciously connect with other people. Connectivity includes the Ability to: Draw Healthy

The Great Tipping Point in Education? It’s Here.
And so it begins. The pandemic’s impact on higher education demonstrates an educational system out of touch with the needs of a modern world. A growing number of students and parents are voicing that if we move education from campuses to virtual settings, that a discount ought to

The Man Who Taught Me Unlearning
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler – Futurist Love & hate cannot occupy the same space. Trying to hold onto erroneous beliefs and truth is temporary. One will

How Did One CFO Become a Wealthy Farmer?
Many of our people are facing profound challenges with change and making a living. Over the next few weeks, we are running a series of articles highlighting some of the remarkable people that have not only changed their work, they have transformed every aspect of how they make a

Is Hope Killing Us?
There has never been a more important time to learn how to change ourselves enough to participate in the future of work. For most of us, true personal change requires that we include discomfort and fear as part of the ride. Frankly, we are no longer waiting for the future of work,

Today’s Unexpected Career Tip
If you are working in an industry that is shrinking, leave. Why? The rise and fall of industries grow every day. In 1960, the average job tenure was over nine years. Today, the average college graduate will change careers, not jobs, 4-6 times. Many of these organizations are

Hey Facebook! Is the Internet a Toilet?
Lady Gaga recently said, “The Internet is a toilet.” By the time that I read through the first six inches of today’s Facebook feed, I was feeling that it might just be better to go to bed and hide. And yet, I’ve got about 20 hours of work in

We are the turning point. We tried settling for hope, We waited for others to right this ship. When that didn’t happen, We felt betrayed. We let go of hope and learned to become optimists. We no longer accept empty words and promises,

What If Love Was In Charge?
Welcome to a world where today’s actions determine our future as a country. This morning, I was greeted with the thought, “What if love was in charge?” My brand of cynicism illuminated my distrust of our citizens. Far too many would respond that such an idea simply isn’t

My Favorite Hero
A few years ago, a teenager named Brandon Farbstein contacted me with a note. It read, “I have been looking for people that are masters in their profession. If you are open to a conversation, I would be grateful to learn anything that you want to share in how

Career Tip of the Day – The World-Class Interview
Let’s being by getting one thing straight: A world-class interview is not about you. Here’s why: Human beings are hard-wired to be able to think about something other than themselves for about 15-seconds. For most hiring managers, this means they will not be that interested in

Career Tip of the Day
Advancing technology isn’t taking away work; it is eliminating tasks. Before the pandemic, about half of our country’s workers were needing to shed the mindset of the past and develop an understanding of how to fit into the emerging work of the future. Millions of jobs have been eliminated.

If America is Failing Today’s Workers, What must we do?
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy As the pandemic hit our country, our workers were already in distress from underemployment. On the surface, we were given glowing reports of the

Waiting for Normal?
Which Side of This Table Will You be Standing? The world will not be going back to normal. The last time many of us waited for the world to change, We were unprepared to change ourselves. The future of work is no longer in the future.

My Last Pandemic
It was the early 80s. My first partner and I had just moved in together. He had just passed the California State Bar and gone to work for a big law firm. I was making good money in the staffing industry and getting concert dates in jazz clubs. We got

A Few Alternatives to Easter
I have never had issues with people of faith attending church and celebrating the story of Christ, except for this weekend. Many of us have not yet had someone close to them fall victim to the Coronavirus. Two and a half weeks ago, Terrence McNally, one of our country’s

Could Sheltering Become Your Turning Point?
Every generation gets an event that tends to shape their thinking, outlook, and behavior. In my personal experience, the current events that we are encountering today cannot help but create a re-set in most of our lives. There will be a profound positive change in our culture. Sadly, we will

Who Wants To Be a Billionaire?
“Want to become a billionaire? Then help a billion people. The world’s biggest problems are the world’s biggest business opportunities.” Peter Diamandis – Co-Founder, X-Prize History has long demonized wealth and the rich. The problem with blaming the rich is that the very people who point their fingers in

Success Will Never Care if You Are a Man or a Woman
To suggest that we are living in deep turmoil could be my understatement of the day. Much of today’s turmoil involves ongoing collisions with change and for many, Harvey Weinstein’s conviction represents a turning point. But, a turning point for what? Advancing technology is part of it. The

The Great Big Insult About Soft Skills
“How can you say such hurtful things to people? Words Matter! Seriously, how do you sleep in your car at night?” Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Soft skills deserve a big fat apology from most human capital, training, and sales professionals. Why do we so easily dismiss the

How Beauty Could Save the World
“Find a beautiful piece of art. If you fall in love with Van Gogh or Matisse or John Oliver Killens, or if you fall in love with the music of Coltrane, the music of Aretha Franklin, or the music of Chopin – find some beautiful art and admire it, and

Want to Enter the Future of Work? This 18-Year-Old Already Has!
Last night, millions watched the Grammy Awards televised from the Staples Center. Only hours before, sports icon Kobe Bryant and his daughter lost their lives. For many, performing in the “house that Kobe built,” became a remarkably moving experience for people that were there or watching on Television. As

Why is Political History Illiteracy Killing Us?
Part One – Why is Political History Illiteracy Killing Us? Perhaps my chief concern about politics today is that too many of our citizens have fallen into choosing the reality they want and shaping the narrative that suits them without any concerns about whether or not it is true.

Work. Time to Start Something New?
We are living at a time when doing what we most love to do is what we ought to do for a living. There has never been a better time to do the work that matters and to do the work we love. Technology isn’t taking away work,

Does Your Tribe Own You or Support You?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. – Freidrich Nietzsche We take people through journies

What Is The Biggest Problem With Goals?
Right next to our home is a gym that we patronize. This morning, there are lines to get in and all of this riff-raff is standing in the way of the exercise equipment. When will they be gone? I bet you know the answer. We find that the

How on Earth Do We Prepare Them for the Future of Work?
Today’s children are growing towards a future that many parents don’t understand. From the statistics, it is clear that many parents are encountering career challenges of their own. For example, about half of our nation’s workers now characterize themselves as “underemployed.” In most cases, these are individuals who are having

Why Do Trader Joe’s Cashiers Stay for 19 Years?
Employee engagement issues tend to be on full display in the grocery industry. Ralph’s has a superstore within 50 yards of our front door. The employees are hairy, sweaty, and the men are worse. Kidding aside, the place is so disengaged that customers feel like intrusions. Most of the

How Can We Have So Much and Be So Soft?
I have always been able to have conversations with friends and family members with differing political views by connecting with the morals, values, and ethics that live above politics. You know, the ones that all of us used to remember as the ideals behind our American spirit. We treasured characteristics

How’s Your Vision?
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” Chuck Chamberlain – A New Set of Glasses In the event that

Just When is it Time to Let Go of the Old World of Work?
Many of us have had jobs that were richly rewarding only to turn sour from change beyond our control? It is impossible to count the number of conversations where someone tells me they wished they saw the writing on the wall more quickly. It’s just basic human nature

Four Days That Will Build Extraordinary Gratitude in Your Life
Thanksgiving is indeed my favorite holiday. Even the title captures the spirit of giving and growing and experiencing new versions of ourselves. There is a strange myth about giving. Unless our giving is “selfless” than it isn’t enough. Nothing could be further from the truth. One of my activities

The Speech John F Kennedy Was About to Give on the Day He Died
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy I grew up in a little dirtbag town with adoptive violent and evangelical parents. In that environment, I remember watching JFK get elected

Want Employee Engagement? Join the Marines!
“Someone who practices courage will take immediate action while someone who is trying to become fearless will be on the 5th self-help book.” The sole purpose of a democracy is to make everyone relevant. If a CEO ever hopes to solve the employee engagement challenge, then he or she

Why Active Learners Own the Future of Work
Accelerating change is impacting virtually every worker, employer, and business owner. Accelerating change is making many highly educated individuals functionally illiterate. For example, in the last few years, thousands of associate attorneys didn’t envision that Legal Zoom, a cheap digital platform with a simple interface would eliminate big portions of

What is An Engagement CEO?
According to Gallup, only 13% of the world’s workers are engaged. How are we getting anything done? Well, we are doing it in a trance. The numbers around employee engagement are so bad that odds are high many CEOs are also disengaged. People’s rank has absolutely nothing to do with

Coach or Therapist?
When we launched Inspired Work in 1990, the coaching profession was in its infancy. Today, the coaching industry generates about $2billion in revenue every year. In short order, coaches not only disrupted the therapeutic profession, but it also ran off with many of their most affluent clients. In Europe, seeing

How Shareholder Fixation Built a Culture of Mediocrity
In American business, there was a time when most CEOs accorded equal power to marketing, operations, human capital, and finances. It is merely what a leader did to build sustainability into a business. The importance of American labor could be summarized in how we won World War II. Late

The Killer Filters – 5 ways we destroy change before it happens!
In 1990, we delivered the first Inspired Work Program, an immersive experience that has led thousands of people into turning points with their careers. We can provide this outcome in just two days. However, in the beginning, some of the programs were long. We had to find a way for

The Industrial Revolution’s Continued Haunting of Employee Engagement
Happy Halloween Everybody! But, seriously, the impact of beliefs embedded during the Industrial Revolution is this scary. In fact, reluctance to go of the behaviors and beliefs from this era kill careers and employee engagement every-single-day. For so many CEOs and human capital executives, employee disengagement continues to undermine

Why Does Employee Engagement Rely on Self-Change Skills?
“I know I can be difficult but don’t worry, you’ll change.” The Modern Workplace How many of us are conscious enough to be excited about trading in the traditional sense of security for perpetual growth? In essence, this is what the new workplace offers, as well as demands.

Why Does Employee Engagement Require a Democracy?
One of the fundamental reasons that employee engagement is so elusive is that we are not teaching people how to change. The underemployed and disengaged workers believe they can’t change. Others want to change but don’t know-how. As we leave behaviors from the Industrial Revolution far behind us, let’s at

Workplace Engagement Programs Start here or don’t start at all!
Real leaders do more than manage marketing and finances. They impact, influence, and inspire results from everyone. They are willing to do whatever it takes to generate passion from everyone on the team. They do this by listening, by never cutting corners, and by helping everyone attain their own dreams

What if the Turmoil Isn’t Political?
For many of us, turning on the news or reading posts on Facebook produces facial ticks and feelings the Apocalypse is at hand. But for those of us who work, we cannot afford to be distracted. The world is in the midst of the most extensive restructuring of work

How Great Role Models Educate Our Souls
News of bright lights passing is sad. But, for the ones that live in the light, gratitude quickly follows for their lives, which have given us nothing less than literacy of the soul. I never met Elijah Cummings, but every time he stood up, I could see a man

Burn All The Boats – How one sole breadwinner transformed his career
Four years ago, Dave Roth walked into the Inspired Work Program. He was confident, handsome, a father, and a marketing executive with a significant digital brand. One of his colleagues told him how the Inspired Work Program impacted his career. Early on, he said he didn’t know what to expect

Why Is Demonizing the 1% a Horrible Idea?
Demonizing wealth is one of the most reliable ways to get stuck in poverty. Demonizing any particular group of people is what humans do when we are frightened and either unaware or unwilling to solve our problems. When we blame others for our plight, we also suspend our

Does Your Tribe Support You or Own You?
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Friedrich Nietzsche My closet is filled with costumes.

When Someone Does the Work – Tell Them
Once in a while, a client or friend gives an acknowledgment that makes me speechless. I started working with a brilliant talent executive at Disney almost 20 years ago. We designed a leadership program that continues to be used at the company today. I’ve worked with this guy through

How Will Courage Skills Change Our Lives?
“How can you say such hurtful things about people? Words Matter! Seriously, how do you sleep in your car at night?” Triumph the Insult Comic Dog As my pal Triumph has often shared, words do matter. I’ve observed that the biggest breakdown with our intention to succeed shows up

The Words & Phrases That Cut Your Power in Half!
When the late and great Toni Morrison accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature, she said, “We die. Perhaps that is the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.” So how is our society doing in terms of language representing the measure of

What is this Century’s Single Most Important Change in Work?
“Want to become a billionaire? Then help a billion people. The world’s biggest problems are the world’s biggest business opportunities.” Peter Diamandis – Co-Founder, X-Prize The American spirit was founded on optimism and that, my friends, is vastly different than hope. Hope requires no action at all. The famed

The America That I Know
My first book tour turned me into a born-again Angelean. But, when people ask me why I so love our City of Fallen Angels, it isn’t the beaches, shopping, food, or diversity. I love Los Angeles because of the brilliant talent we attract from every corner of the globe.

Spiritual, human development, and “self-help” leaders have often told us that what we believe determines the shape and course of our lives. I find that most people want to realize their potential, lead fulfilling lives, and find the purpose that elevates their work into a truly meaningful experience. Instead, many

The Utter Failure of Politicians and the Future of Work
Before anyone runs to the outrage buttons, this is not a partisan post! Last night, we watched the debates for 3 hours. In my home, we limit the viewing of news to a 1/2 hour-a-day because when we hit 35 minutes, that’s the moment when the facial ticks begin.

The Day That Changed My Life Forever
29 years ago, I walked into a ballroom at the Loew’s Beach Hotel. Through sheer chutzpah and a bit of hubris, we had recruited 36 people to participate in the first Inspired Work Program. I wrote the program intending to help anyone transform his or her relationship towards work. Why

How One Woman Became a Unique Brand
Trina Damico is one of those bright white lights that bring a smile to anyone who knows her. We connected 5-6 years ago via social media. At the time, Trina was an organization development leader with a large employer in Portland. It became clear that she was quite passionate about

One Airline Pilot + One New Mindset = A Digital Business Owner
We have practiced a little ritual every September since 1990. We look back on what has happened since Inspired Work was launched on a beach in Malibu. When I found my life’s work in 1990, everything changed. My life fell into place. Like the many people who’ve participated in

Why Are Unions Dying?
Happy Labor Day everyone! We have sales, football, rest, and time with family. Hello, my beloved readers. Who is celebrating the labor movement today? Here is a suggested test. Go onto any big-picture library and enter the word labor. I did it this morning with Unsplash. In

When Is The Best Time to Leave? How About Right Now?
In the early 90s, we were given the opportunity to serve one of California’s largest employers. After a series of market events, the company was unraveling. One of their human resource executives came through our Inspired Work Program. She was impacted so deeply that within weeks, hundreds of employees were

Mid-Managment, Engagements Final Frontier!
As the world undergoes the biggest restructuring of work since the Printing Revolution and task work disappears, the role of mid-management has become confusing. Because the very profession emerged out of task work. Routinely, individual contributors that produced the most work were rewarded with promotions into middle management. Usually, the

The Single Most Effective Way to Get the Raise That You Want
Sam walks into his boss’s office. “Sir, I’ll be straight with you, I know the economy isn’t great, but I have over three companies after me, and I would like to respectfully ask for a raise.” After a few minutes of haggling, the boss finally agrees to a 5% raise,

What Are “Courage Skills?”
Milo is an 11-pound dachshund and Bonedigger is a 500-pound lion. Milo and his lifelong friend Angel have forged a friendship with the Lion that is joyous and happy, and unexpected. The payoff of our practicing courage can also be having lives that are joyous, happy, and unexpected. There are

Tranced Out – The great American comfort crisis
If ever there was a “Psychic Batman” in my life, it would be Bob Maurer, the head of behavioral science for UCLA’s Medical School. Once, we were talking about dating. He said, “The single most important thing you need to know about someone before you marry them is how they

Making a Difference – What happened to the human potential movement?
America has become a country where anyone can believe anything they want and much of this outrageous signature began in California, the birthplace and world capital of the human potential movement. I was a teenager when I first became involved in it. I didn’t jump into the seminars to

This is The Single Most Important Trend in Work
The American spirit was founded on optimism, which is vastly different than hope. Because hope requires no action. Optimism is the belief that our actions will lead to better lives. The famed psychiatrist Silvano Arieti once said, “The world’s mental institutions are filled with creative thinkers.” True creativity requires action.

Why is It Time to Turn Human Resources Into Profit Centers?
“HR is not a match for sexual harassment. It pits male sexual aggression against a system of paperwork and broken promises, and women don’t trust it. For 30 years we have invested responsibility in HR, and it hasn’t worked out. We have to find a better way.” Caitlin Flanagan –

How Does Curiosity Make Us Smarter?
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.” – Albert Einstein Active Learners are rapidly taking charge of the workplace. In fact, the more savvy employers will only hire individuals who take pleasure in learning, who look at the world with curiosity and

How to Get the Greatest Recommendations!
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey In today’s workplace, accelerating change is increasing the need to draw healthy attention to our selves. Many of us have had inadequate training in how to do this. The game is

How Will Parents End Rebellion, Distrust, and Mediocrity in Their Children?
When I was a kid, my adoptive father was an evangelical physician and he expected I would also become a medical doctor. I was a concert pianist at the time I was 8. At around the same time, I was in a biology class that required dissecting a bug. I

How One Standard Gave Me a New Life
In the Inspired Work Program, we provide an exercise called, “Irrevocable Happiness.” In it, we ask our participants to describe, in detail, what their lives would look like if they were in a constant state of happiness. In other words, what would your life look like if you were sentenced

Age of Aquarius? How About the Age of Transparency?
The last time we had a talent war was in 2006. Only 2 years later, many of us were so distracted by the great recession that we didn’t realize just how much the world of work was changing. Today, while the unemployment figures look great, about half of our workers

How Did Madison Avenue Turn Civil Rights Into Good Business?
With politics in such a deep divide, perhaps it is time that we recognize the greater influence business has in moving our society forward. My viewpoints on politics began to change in the 80s and early 90s. I was a young successful executive in the staffing industry. As

Why Do Active Learners Own the Future of Work?
Accelerating change is impacting virtually every worker, employer, and business owner. Accelerating change is making many highly educated individuals functionally illiterate. Advancing technology redefines how we work, live, and behave, active learning shines our way forward. In fact, active learning has become our single most important skillset, the great dividing

Why Do Active Learners Own the Future of Work?
Accelerating change is impacting virtually every worker, employer, and business owner. Accelerating change is making many highly educated individuals functionally illiterate. Advancing technology redefines how we work, live, and behave, active learning shines our way forward. In fact, active learning has become our single most important skillset, the great dividing

Get Rid of Spam. Give Up Pitches. Become a Social Media Rock Star.
How does Kim Kardashian, one of America’s most polarizing celebrities, build a $200 Million dollar business? Red Bull became a category-leading brand by sponsoring extreme sports events. How did Monster Energy sail right past them? Kim credits her business success to social media. While Red Bull spent a

The Myths About Work That Threaten Democracy
Many of my readers are exhausted by the turmoil that is taking place in America. But, the root causes are not political. During research for my latest book, it became increasingly clear that convulsive and accelerating change around how we work, make livings, and express ourselves is the greatest contributor

What is Fear of Success? Really?
Picture this: You awaken in your waterfront apartment in Monaco. The sun is fresh and bright, the air is clean, you open your window and look down at your Perini Navi superyacht. The crew has been readying the boat for a voyage to Seychelles. As you pass the breakwater, the

The Man Who Taught Me Unlearning
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler – Futurist It has been said that love & hate cannot occupy the same space. The same can be said of truth versus

Does Your Tribe Own You or Support You?
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” – Richard Bach When we look at work as a relationship, it is wise to examine how our tribes influence some of humankind’s most significant decisions about work,